I Asked 13 Black Women a Question I Needed to Answer Myself
Man Repeller, Feb. 2018
"... So many things can pull us down as black women. Being joyful doesn’t mean everything’s all rainbows and unicorns. I had some dips but I didn’t stay there. That’s what joy is. ...”
Her fitness life
Beautifully Said Magazine
By La Tasha Taylor
How do fashion, beauty and fitness intertwine for you?
Fitness is such an important part of feeling good and looking good. I know when I am fit, healthy and strong, I feel more beautiful and make better fashion choices. .... As I’ve gotten older I realized fitness is less about competing and more about feeling strong and empowered. We smile brighter and stand taller when we are fit and healthy. I have this theory that people dress better when they are in love, so maybe we also dress better when we’re fit.
Click here to read more.
The Coveteur
"When we hit up Houston (and Dallas!) with THE OUTNET.COM last week, we must admit that our heads were buzzing with our own preconceived notions of the wild, wild West. Leave it to Joy Sewing, Houston Chronicle's beauty and fashion editor, to set us straight. "I can’t tell you how many New Yorkers I talk with who think we all wear cowboy boots and hats daily. I’m a native Houstonian and didn’t get my first pair of real cowboy boots until a few years ago. They are a beautiful pair of custom snakeskin boots I found for $70 at Texas Junk Co. But I only wear them once a year during our rodeo!" Yeah, so much for that.
Joy Sewing talks Beyoncé, Fashion
Joy Sewing is one of those women you wish was your BFF ... who also shares your shoe size. As the fashion and beauty editor at the Houston Chronicle, it’s safe to assume that she’s got a seriously covetable style. But thankfully, no assumptions are needed since The Coveteur and TheOUTNET.com teamed up and gave us a peek inside Sewing’s closet —which means we get to see, too!